Derrek & Chris were approved... if that's what you call it. Not only do we know now that the transplant WILL happen, we also know it will happen on September 17th. That's just two weeks from tomorrow! That was their last opening this month!!! Things are falling into place perfectly. Derrek should be recovered enough to help me out with the baby when he comes. And recovered enough that I can't feel sorry for him or cut him any slack by then!!!
On a serious note, Chris was speechless when he heard the news. I think most people in his shoes would be. I'm sure even when he heard 5 years ago, he'd have to have a transplant one day, the fact that it's all transpiring now is probably more surreal than any of us can imagine. I just hope he knows how happy the rest of us are for him and we cannot wait to see him living life with his new kidney.
So please pray for everyone involved over the next couple of months. It's going to be hectic and emotional and stressful and exciting and scary and joyful all at the same time.
Just to celebrate what a great day September 17th will be in our history as a are some other great things that happened on that day:
1787 - The Constitution was signed
1814- Francis Scott Key finished the Star Spangled Banner
1920- The NFL was organized
1923- Hank Williams was born
1948- John Ritter was born
1967- Jim Morrison and the Doors defy CBS censors on The Ed Sullivan Show
1976- The first space shuttle (Enterprise) was unveiled by NASA
1978- The Camp David Accords were signed by Israel & Egypt
1983- Vanessa Williams becomes the first black Miss America
Pretty eventful day, eh? I swear I'm not making this stuff up. Check Wikipedia:)
Good luck to yall with the transplant! What an amazing thing your hubby is doing. I have recently discovered what it's like to be diagnosed with a disease (I received the news in May) and I can't imagine someone being that willing to help out! What a great hubby you have:-)
I wanted to post on the same page as the good news, so I just pasted my previous comment earlier today again. That was before we knew the date! Yes, how exciting and so soon. The hand of God is at work in our lives. I believe that with all of my heart. God has answered my prayer, and I know many others too have prayed. Thank you all.
Thank you God!
Derek & Jordan,
Thank you for taking the time to let everyone know how we are progressing with the transplant. Today is Tuesday, "A BIG DAY" for us. We probably won't hear anything until tomorrow. I have no doubt that Chris will be back on his feet and healthy once again before Christmas, thanks to Derek's gift of life. Thank you both for being so supportive, giving and loving Chris as much as you do. I am truly grateful. Soon we will be able to move on with our lives without Chris being so sick everyday.
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. I Corinthians 13:7
I am hopeful that we are well on our way to a new beginning. Thank you both. With love and gratitude,
Wanda Griffin (soon to be Kaiser)
AWESOME NEWS! I'll be checking this blog obsessively for all of the progress reports... what a wonderful thing Derrek is doing! YOu should be proud. :)
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