Friday, April 3, 2009

5 Month Baby-No-More

So it took all of what felt like 3 seconds for my baby that liked to be held sweetly and cooed at me and gently played with my face and liked to kick his legs a little bit to become a kid that's flip-floppin all over the place and yelling loudly and yanking my hair and laughing big and SCOOTING around and sprouting TEETH. That's right 3 days ago, Cash cut his first tooth. It seems like things have just settled a little bit since then. Two weeks ago, remember I tried to give him some cereal and he just wasn't all that into it. I tried for few nights then gave it a rest. Last night, we tried it and he was all over it. In two weeks, he's figured out how to open his mouth for it and move it around and swallow it!. Another first that happened last night was, not only did he sleep through the night, he slept 11 hours!!! Woo-hoo!!! Mama might be herself again! So the game plan from now on is to stuff that kid full of food before bed. Good plan! He's taking great naps, although I'm still not being all that productive during his nap. (We're still not officially settled in our new digs and it seems I'm the only one that is still working on it. Funny how that happens. I helped everyone else with their stuff but no one seems to be helping me with the rest? A day in the life of every mom, I know. Anyway, I'm torn between work and moving in and battling allergies/cold/whatever. I'm really good at excuses, by the way.) Yes, he's a little crazy now but it really is so much fun. He's starting to give wet kisses. Not on demand, of course, but there's nothing better than him squeezing my neck and sliming my whole face. That's love, my friends.
Hanging out with Big Bro on the floor. Just rollin' around. You know. No big deal.
Trying to soak it in with Big Sis while she still lets me in her room!
This is the first of all the pics I took trying to get that silly tooth! I had to include them all.
I think if my flash wasn't reflecting off all the saliva, you'd be able to see it here. In fact, I think you can!

I was persistent but the little toot put up a good fight.
Cash's first bite of cereal.
He quickly moved on to the toe. Much more tasty.
We love our jumparoo!
Bath time with Daddy!
That crooked smile.
Tonight has been another first. I'm not sure if it's another tooth, allergies, a cold, an ear infection, or being overtired but tonight Derrek and I couldn't console or make him comfortable for about 4 hours. We finally decided to get him in the bath because he LOVES the bath (as you can tell) and it worked. Until we took him out. But it was nice to see him smile again. He's trying to sleep now but he's having trouble battle the pacifier with all of his congestion. Poor guy. Here he was just before the crying started. The nose obviously had started to run and his eyes were puffy but he was still his happy little self!


The Leonard Four said...

what a cute widdle toof! first milestones are so awesome!

cash is adorable, jordan! just as cute as he can be! loved all the pics!

melissa schuck said...

He is starting to look like you to me now!! This is fun. I love the stories; keep em up!