Monday, August 27, 2012

Schizo Blogger Blogs First Day of School

I already know this so ya'll will probably just have to adjust. Not sure I liked the other page but hope this one isn't too busy. It only takes me 8 hours or so to play with it and things are still not exactly how I'd like but I feel like this one is more flexible?

School started today. Thank you, Blake & Ashley for being such angels. Thank you, Cash, for, well, today, not making it easy at all for me! You wouldn't let me use water on your hair, or brush your teeth. It took 15 minutes to dress you as you laid in bed. You ignored your sister as she tried to help. You laid on my lap like a limp noodle when I put on your shoes. You threw fits when I wouldn't carry you. You only relaxed when your brother let you play games on his phone on the way to school, proving ever so much more, how spoiled and rotten your lousy parents have allowed you to become. In all honesty, I think I really could have handle all of that but, my heart will LITERALLY give out if you scream "MOMMY!!!!!!" with the voracity, volume and sobbing only comparable to scenes from The Excorcist, every single day when I try to say good-bye (for 30 minutes). I cannot do it. Although, I'm sure, somehow, I will for as long as you choose to dramatize the morning drop-off at your sweet, little Montessori school with your sweet, little teachers and non-stop activities that you enjoy. You enjoy them so much that every afternoon, I'll pick up a happy kid. Yes, you'll be happy to see me but also reply "great!" when asked, "how was your day, sweetie?" Nevermind that I spent the night before lying awake in bed anxious about the drop-off and reeling for half my work-day after the drop-off. Really, Precious, don't worry about that.

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