So, some of you may have read that I'm going to change up what I'm doing a little bit at Root. Hopefully, the change (read about it in Cassell's words
here - she put into words better than I even knew how!) will keep me at home a little more and allow me to be even more flexible than I am now. I know some of you are thinking I'm ridiculously spoiled. I mean, I work at Root with girls I love AND I get to take Cash to work with me. How could it really get better? I guess I'm not necessarily going for "better" overall, just "better" for me and my little family right now. I just want to contribute as much as possible during this economic slow-down and if I'm able to work a little more from home at the same time, then it's a win-win. Of course, I will have to be MUCH more disciplined and work at night sometimes and on the weekends. I will not get paid for having fantastic conversations with my girlfriends during the day like I do now...but I hope I will be disciplined enough to get things done most efficiently to save some time for that. Like Cassell said, it's my therapy and without it, I may have to pay a stranger for it. Okay, I'm seriously rambling. My point is, Root is such a wonderful place to me. For five years or so, I've loved to shop there. It was the perfect escape from my horrid job at Chocolates El Rey. Then, it became such a huge part of my life as I got more involved. Cassell has become one of my dearest friends and I've learned so much from her. She reminds me that what I am is enough when I'm worried about doing more. She's as proud of being a working mother as I am and has taught me that you can do may take longer to get things done but they can all still get done without compromising what you put into motherhood. She laughs easily. Her style, naturally, is annoyingly innate. Then there's Rebekah. She owns Beulah's next door to Root. She has Brooklyn, Camden & Wolfgang. She is our WonderWoman. Her own business, three kids, and this ridiculous drive and talent to throw the best parties. She is always thinking about what she can do for other people. How does she have time for other people? When Derrek had his surgery and when Cash came, she made sure we had food every night. Did I even take her one meal? Oh my gosh, I'm just realizing exactly how lousy of a friend I truly am as I write this. I think I want to throw up. Then you have Billie Jean, our babysitting...or should I say baby juggling sales associate. She can keep track of all the customers in the store, answer the phone and entertain, feed and put our babies to sleep all at the same time. I wish I was exaggerating but I'm not. Cash knows her as his Brown Mama (Billie Jean's sister, Javette came up with that one:)) When she's in a bad mood, she's really funny...probably because her bad mood is about as bad as my best mood. The best part about Billie Jean is she shows up every day to do all of this and we're completely dependent on her! The high school girls that work for us are great too. They show up too! So, to make a short story very long, I love going to work. In a short 19 months, the kid count has gone from 3 (Ashley + Blake +Brooklyn- unfortunately not pictured!) to 5 (+Camden+Willa+Cash+Wolfgang)! Sometimes it's a little crazy but the best kind of crazy.

Miss Camden.

Camden & Willa are 9 months apart.

Willa cracks herself up all day long.

Willa peeking at Cash in the crib in the office.

What? I'm just playing with deoderant.

Cash in the crib we roll up to the front by the cash register. This is
where he hangs with Billie Jean.

Here he is taking his first official nap on his tummy. He started out flat but when we took the covers off in the end, we found him like this.

Billie Jean & Cash

This is WOLFGANG! He's growing like a weed.
Possibly a pound a day. I'm thinking he weighs more than
Cash but it's hard to tell. They're four weeks apart!
Rebekah & Wolfie