Friday, October 10, 2008

37 Weeks

So I should have a picture to go with this but I don't. I will try to post one soon. Just wanted to give everyone an update: nothing's happening. I know this is normal and ideal but you know, I've been pregnant so long and now I'm at the end-ish and I've gone to half of my childbirth class (the remaining 4 hours are tomorrow) and it's really tough to not be anxious. Especially now that we're in the safe zone. Oh well. I know he'll be here VERY soon and I'll be mad I didn't just kick back and relax since I don't have an infant to tend to.

1 comment:

Cassell said...

Oh my gosh. Reading that post just took me back to the few weeks before Willa was born. Once the baby arrives, you are so busy tending to him or her that you quickly forget all of the anticipation and nervous (and excited) preparation you go through. And that is such a special and fleeting time. Enjoy it!!! Oooh, it's so SWEET!